WEET's way

如果你不在创造,别人就只能用品味来衡量你,但问题是品位没有办法量化。so create.

All About Octopress

| Comments


1. Setup Octopress

git clone git://github.com/imathis/octopress.git octopress
cd octopress    # If you use RVM, You'll be asked if you trust the
.rvmrc file (say yes).
ruby --version  # Should report Ruby 1.9.3p194

2. Install Dependencies

gem install bundler
rbenv rehash
bundle install

3. Install the default Octopress theme

rake intall

4. Deploying to Github Pages

rake seup_github_pages
rake gen_deploy

5. Commit the source for blog

git add .
git commit -m "COMMIT MESSAGE"
git push origin source

Multiple machines

Clone Your Octopress to Blog From Two Places

git clone -b source git@github.com:TheWaWaR/thewawar.github.io.git

cd thewawar.github.io
git clone git@github.com:TheWaWaR/thewawar.github.io.git _deploy

gem install bundler
rbenv rehash
bundle install
rake setup_github_pages
# Input:: git@github.com:TheWaWaR/thewawar.github.io.git

# ** Maybe alse need:
git clone git@github.com:TheWaWaR/thewawar.github.io.git _deploy
rake gen_deploy
